Informal short report from the 168th and 169th StuRa session
» Elected were: Philipp Anton Schwarz for the Commission for the Awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium as well as the NC Committee and Joris Frenz for the Schlichtungskommission (Arbitration Commission).
» We’re looking for: deputy members for the NC Committee, the Commission for the Awarding of the Deutschlandstipendium, and the Lehramt Committees. In addition, officers for the newly established Lehramtsreferat (office for students aspiring a teaching degree), three additional members for the Schlichtungskommission – and members for numerous understaffed offices. You can get more detailed information from the overview of offices, which shows how many spots are unoccupied.
» Confirmed: Bernice Addokwei as Vice Chairperson of the VS (Constituted Student Body).
» Dismissed from office: After a long debate, the StuRa has decided to recall Leon Köpfle from the Vertretungsversammlung des StuWe (the StuWe board).
Also important:
» Reports: you can read as always in the documentation – many of these reports are really very informative! For example, you can find out in detail what the Refkonf, the AK Lehramt or the Landesstudierendenvertretung (the assembly of all bodies of student representation in the state) are currently doing, what is currently being discussed at the federal level in terms of the semester ticket, how the organizational bylaws of the constituted student body are to be further developed and much more…
» Lehramt: In order to create a central office for the affairs of students aspiring a teaching degree, the StuRa establishes a Lehramtsreferat. In the future, this will provide information about the teacher training programmes and the professional field of school, as well as connect students aspiring a teaching degree. It also aims to improve collaboration with the central Lehramt bodies of the University and the PH (Pädagogische Hochschule, i.e. Heidelberg University of Education).
» Guidelines: The StuRa decided to create a guideline against transgressive behavior and sexualized violence. This is to be mapped out by the AK Strukturen.
» Funded were: The Naturwissenschaftlerball (Ball of the Natural Sciences), which will be held at Heidelberg Castle in January and May 2024, a shed for URRmEL (the student bicycle workshop), a series of events by the kritische Jurist*innen, funding for the exhibition “UNCHARTED – Life on the Move,” and funding for the rental of lockers for AEGEE Heidelberg e.V.
The theology Fachschaft has received funding for the refurbishment of the faculty garden with garden furniture, and about 9,000 € were granted to the natural sciences Fachschaften for their ball, and last but not least the law Fachschaft has been granted the financing of a lecture by Ronen Steinke.
» As the discussion of the financial applications was protracted, some of them, as well as applications not concerning finances, had to be postponed; however, the topic of the use of AI at the university could be discussed, and an application to critically discuss research cooperations with Chinese scientists was put into the first reading.
By the way, the reason why there were two meetings again this time: the Schilchtungskommission is currently understaffed and thus unable to act. Since we just had a StuRa election, and it can still be contested until the 19th of July, it should be staffed quickly. As this can only be done in two readings, a special session was appointed for the 1st reading of the candidacy. As you could read in the introduction, a new member was then elected in the second session.
- The meeting documents and minutes of the StuRa can always be found here.
- You can find the informal short report of the last two StuRa meetings here.
- The next – and last – StuRa meeting of this semester will be held on Tuesday, 18th of July, 2023, starting at 7pm. After that the new (XIth) legislature will commence on the 24th of October.
…and if you have something to clarify personally with the speakers: Tuesdays from 11:30 to 12:45 Lino, Theo, Helen and Thomas offer a consultation hour in the StuRa office. And on Fridays between 10:30 and 11:30 there is a consultation hour of the chair and the speakers, where Diana and Theo are waiting for you – but not in August.
Kommentarbereich geschlossen.