You have mail from us – Studimal 08.07.2021

— Deutsche Version —

Dear fellow student,

after we – your student representation – informed you about our offers and current events in our last mails, we would now like to introduce ourselves and our projects to you.
Why? Since it matters to us that you know who represents your interests as a student and since we as your student representation are always looking for fellow students who want to shape their studies and everything around them – for this is our job as a student representation!

In the following you will find a bundle of projects and ideas to give you an idea of what we are doing. It’s up to you what you make of it, take your pick!


Transportation: from campus to campus – with Nextbike or the Semesterticket!

Right after renewing our contract with Nextbike, we’re about to start our negotiations the Semesterticket: Our Verkehrsreferat aim to negotiate improvements for students with limited financial means. And as always the evergreen in Heidelberg: organize demonstrations for a bike-friendly city!

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Queer: from workshops to queer primers for freshmen*women

Support other students in the Queerreferat: organize queer events or workshops (and stay tuned on @queerhd) or be part of talks, art events, our queer primers for freshmen*women or our social media accounts. Or just come to our meetings and have cake and ice cream with the others!

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Teaching and learning in the 21st century: multilingual and diverse

Our group Teaching and Learning (AK LeLe) started several collaborations in the past year and deals with thrilling topics: e.g. University Didactics, the Equal Opportunities Office, and – last but not least – heiSKILLS, which has recently been founded and also comprises the Language Centre (ZSL). If you want to lobby for (some) free courses in modern or ancient languages, the AK LeLe is looking forward to having you with us!
Maybe you have already noticed the discrepancy between the number of your female fellow students and that of female professors. Which consequences does the overrepresentation of men have on research, teaching and learning? The AK LeLe has just started to address these issues and is happy about other interested students who want to make Heidelberg University more diverse!

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Teaching: personalise the content and structure of your Teaching Studies!

You study a polyvalent Bachelor degree or Master of Education and think sometimes: I’d love to attend a class in my Teaching Studies e.g. on the topic “Sustainability at Schools” – but there has never been one? What a fortunate coincidence! The group Teaching (AK Lehramt) is looking for fellow students with ideas for classes. Enough money is provided! 🙂
Especially the practical semester (SPS) is at the centre of the AK Lehramt’s attention – that’s why it conducted a survey on the SPS in March. If you want to help evaluate the results, improve the Master of Education, and discuss this with the HSE and AG Master of Education, join the AK Lehramt!

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Antiracism: for a university without discrimination!

You are BIPoC and would like to advocate for people at university who are affected by discrimination? Would you like inform others or organize an event yourself? Give advice to students or help planning a poetry slam in the holidays! Get to know us at our next picnic for BIPoCs!

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Computing & Tech: run our infrastructure – monitor digitalization

Help run our numerous servers and services with us. Do handicrafts, tinker and repair things with us in our rooms – we always pursue interesting projects like setting up our video studio. Moreover, you can deal with the political aspects of surveillance and digitalization.

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Studierendenwerk: sustainable and digital

Speak up for sustainability, e.g. for regional and sustainable food in the Mensa. Or make the student accommodation a better place – with better WIFI! 😉

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4EU+: study the European way

Six universities – 4EU + – started bringing Europe closer together. Do you have any ideas how students can easily get to know other European students and how their stay in Heidelberg (or Prague/Paris/Warsaw/Milan/Copenhagen) can become a formative part of their studies as a “European experience”? Or would you like to lobby for free digital language courses which students of all six universities can attend? Then join the AK 4EU+!

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Political Education: from students to students

Would you like to organize a panel discussion about the elections of the Bundestag? Or help getting started the politics-café? We want to bring together politically interested students in a nice atmosphere. Sitting at tables in the Marstall, students shall discuss current political issues. Furthermore, you can help with our reading group or set up your own one!

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Committment to peaceful research: Universities for peace!

Would you like to speak up against military research and for peaceful sciences at Heidelberg University? Help organizing events, demonstrations, networking and collaborations with various bodies at Heidelberg University!

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Ecology: for a green and humming university

Get in with our climate activists, volunteer selling organic food at low prices with the food cooperative Appel un’ Ei (apple ‘n’ egg), mainly bulk and regional products! Tighten your own or others’ screws in our student bike workshop URRmeL. Look after our bees and develop sustainability measures for Heidelberg University together with our Ökoreferat.

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(Movement-)Culture: the cultural and athletic conquest of Heidelberg

You like getting in on culture? Then help organizing the cooperation with local museums together with our Kulturreferat or expand the collaboration with Theatre Heidelberg. Or would you like to be on the move? Then help us make the university sports more attractive and to make all students be on the move. We have recently started a collaboration on this with univital and heiMOVE – next year will be full of action! And you can have a say in which direction!

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Unfortunately, there are also issues we cannot address at the moment but would like to in the future: Among them are the (autonomous) health-, IT’s FuN- (= Inter*-, Trans*-, Women- and Non-Binary-Referat) and the Referat for public relations:

Health: students with and without handicap

In our Gesundheitsreferat you can e.g. organize workshops, conduct surveys or collaborate with offices at Heidelberg University to improve and facilitate the studies for students who are chronically ill or disabled.

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IT’s FuN-Referat: make everybody feel good at university!

In this group, you can organize workshops and collaborate with people at the university. The goal is the support and empowerment of students and the improvement of their daily lives at university. You find more ideas here.

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Public Relations: Bring the VS and their students closer together

Have you ever wanted to record videos or podcasts or do you already have any experience? Inform others about our group and its members and tell the world what delights, bothers, or enrages us as students! Design events, posters, websites, sharepics or campaigns – for demonstrations, a BAföG-reform or our theatre flatrate!

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Upcoming events: What is going on in and around your student representation?

You can find an overview on our events at
In the near future there will be:


  • The next Climate Strike on 9th July, 11 am; march from the Heidelberg city library to Friedrich-Ebert-Platz (organized by Students for Future)
  • Demonstration against alcohol and lingering ban at the Neckarwiese on 10th July, 5 pm (organized, among others, by the Verkehrsreferat)
  • Workshop and discussion “Surveillance and Data Protection” on 15th July, 7 pm (organized by the EDV-Referat)
  • Demonstration “Präsent werden!” on 16th July, 3:45 pm; march from the Heidelberg city library to Friedrich-Ebert-Platz (organized by the student group “OnlineLeere”)
  • Workshop “Pleasant flirting” on 16th July, 6-9 pm (organized by the Queerreferat)

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If you are interested in one or some of our projects and ideas let us know! You can also just join one of the next meetings that you can find on each Referats/AKs website. Maybe you know someone who might be interested? Then please point her*him to us!

And if you still don’t have enough, you can get involved in your Fachschaft and/or join one of the many student groups in Heidelberg!

Your student representation

PS: Just follow us on our Facebook- or Instagram page!