“Finanzschulung” – English version

Financial Training on February 26th (“Finanzschulung” – English version) at 7 PM in Neuer Hörsaal (Albert-Ueberle-Str. 3-5)


• What can be financed? → What expenses are eligible for funding?

• Proposals & Resolutions → What must be included? How long should the proposal be? What information is needed for reimbursement?

• Spending guidelines → What rules apply when using allocated funds?

• Reimbursement process → How do you get your money back? What documents are required?

• Advance payments → Is prepayment always necessary?

• Bureaucracy → Why are there so many formalities?

• Joint projects & party accounts → What needs to be considered for cross-FS projects?

• Signatures → Where are they required? (And why?)

Why is this important?

The StuRa is bound by financial guidelines and cannot finance everything. Even if a Fachschaft or the Doktorandenkonvent wants to support a project, settlements can still fail—either partially or entirely—due to formal requirements.

To help you navigate these processes and ensure that you can make the most of your financial resources, we have organized this financial training session to provide you with all the essential information and requirements.

All financial officers of the Fachschaften are warmly invited to attend. The training will be held in English. Please sign up in advance using the following link: https://www.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/angebote/schulungen/

Best regards,

Your Finanzreferat