Europe, Heidelberg and the university: elections, a demo and panel discussions; anniversary; theatre; Limiting obstructions for students with disabilities (Enthinderung)
Yesterday we sent out a new newsletter! You haven’t received it? Or haven’t been able to read it yet? No problem: In order to counter forgotten passwords, overzealous spam filters or other adversities, we have (as always) documented this message for you below.
Dear fellow students,
here is some important mid-semester information for you:
Europe, Heidelberg and the university: panel discussions, a demo, elections
In June you can vote at several occasions: on June 9 in Europe and i.a. in Heidelberg – from June 24/25 at the university. We therefore call on you to go vote, our democracy needs you! All EU citizens registered in Heidelberg can vote in the communal elections, as well..
The StuRa is organising two panel discussions taking into account the student perspective:
- Today, on Monday, June 3 at 7 pm at the Neue Uni regarding local elections in Heidelberg. Almost all of the candidate lists and parties will be sending representatives.
- On Thursday 13 June at 7pm at the Neue Uni regarding StuRa elections. Here, too, we expect speakers from all the lists that are up for election..
In between both panels, on the day before the European elections, on Saturday 8 June at 15:30, there will be a demonstration starting at Uniplatz and a concert taking place on Neckarwiese Up-to-date information on both discussions can be found at, the events will also be broadcasted via
StuRa anniversary
On Monday July 8, the StuRa celebrates its 10th anniversary under the motto “Between Revolution and Routine” in the Neue Aula. After student councils were banned in 1977, making student representation as we know it today impossible, they have now been legally established again for a good 10 years. This proves that the representation and self-organisation of students is erefore not a given. That‘s why we want to celebrate together with all students. More information on the detailed programme will follow soon on
The theatre flatrate, offering you free admission to performances of the city theatre and orchestra, has been extended: Heidelberg University students can now also get free tickets to the Taeter Theatre. In principle, this works like the theater flat rate at the Stadttheater. You need your student ID or enrollment certificate and simply show it at the theater box office – then you will receive the free student tickets. You can also simply reserve them in advance via the Taeter website and then collect them before the performance.
Plenary Session: Office for Disability and Health
On Monday, June 3 at 6 pm, the autonomous Office for Disability and Health will be holding a plenary session. Students affected by disability or chronic illness will meet to work together towards a more accessible university. The meeting will take place online and in seminar room A of the Mathematikon, for further information please join the WhatsApp group via .
Wishing you a not too stressful semester:
Your Student Representatives
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