Wahl-Info No 1 in SoSe 24
Welcome to the summer semester – from an elective perspective!
In this first election info in the summer semester you will find, as always, information from the election commission on elections this semester as well as information on the work in the committees.
1. elections in summer semester 2024
In the summer semester, elections are traditionally held for the StuRa, for many Fachschaftsräten (FSR) – especially for the “Feld-Fachschaften”, for the Fakultätsräten and for the Senat der Universität. In addition, some by-elections will take place from May 6 to 11, especially for elections that could not be held in winter (FSR Mittelalterstudien&Cultural Heritage, FSR Japanologie, Fachrat Sport und Ethnologie). The candidacy period ends on April 30, 16:00
The regular FSR elections will take place online from Mon, 24.6. – Tue, 2.7. The term of office of the newly elected FSR members begins in the winter semester 24/25 and ends, except for the FSR Jura, on 31.03.25. There is an innovation in the summer semester: the candidacy forms will only be activated on May 13 at midnight. The candidacy period ends on June 18, 16:00
- Dates relevant to the election (e.g. candidacy deadlines, activation of forms, etc.)
- You can find out which student councils are voting here
- FSs affected by the election are requested to register their elections in good time
- The candidacy form can be found here
- Information on running for the FSR
The StuRa election will also take place from Mon, 24.6. – Tue, 2.7. The candidacy period for the StuRa ends on 7.6., 16:00.
- Dates relevant to the election (e.g. candidacy deadlines, activation of forms, etc.)
- Election call for the StuRa election
- The candidacy form can be found here
- Further information on the StuRa election – for example on the deadlines for the Studi-o-Maten
The elections for the Fakultätsräte and the Senat der Universitätwill take place from Tue, 25.06. until Mon, 01.07., online. Candidatures must be received by the university’s election office by 24.05., 16:00.
2. Referenda for the Autonomous Offices (Autonome Referate) “Disability and Health“ and ”Inter*, Trans*, Women and Non-binary“ (It’s FuN) on Tuesday, 30.04.24, 18:00
The Autonomous Offices (Autonome Referate) “Disability and Health“ and ”Inter*, Trans*, Women and Non-binary“ (It’s FuN) are currently vacant.
The Autonomous Office ”Working Class Students“ is about to be newly founded. That is why the
election committee invites affected students of Heidelberg University to the three first ever plenary meetings of these offices on the 30th of April at 6pm in the “Neuer Hörsaal Physik“
(the auditorium next to the StuRa office at Albert-Ueberle-Strasse 3-5). 3-5)
3. StuRa members in summer 2024
4. calls for candidates for central VS offices
Throughout the semester, there are calls for candidates for central offices in the Verfassten Studierendenschaft (VS). The elections take place in the StuRa, the candidacy for the elections held in the StuRa takes place via an online form. The candidatures are presented in a meeting in the StuRa, the candidates are interviewed there by the StuRa members (1st reading). The election takes place in another meeting (usually the following meeting: 2nd reading).
- Calls for Candidates
- Candidacy form / Overview of candidacies received
- You can find information on committees in the overview of offices
5. termination of office, resignation and certificates of engagement
If you are a member of a VS committee and realize that the work is becoming too much, you can resign from your position. Anyone who is no longer enrolled at Heidelberg University can no longer be a member of a VS committee. If you change subject, you can no longer be a member of the relevant Fachrat or Fachschaftsrat or be delegated to the StuRa on behalf of the Fachschaft. However, you can remain a financial officer (Finanzverantwortliche*r) or member of an electoral committee (Wahlraumausschuss). If someone finishes their studies or changes subject, we ask you to inform us of this or the person concerned should inform us of the end of their term of office via the withdrawal form (indicate exmatriculation or change of subject in the comments field).
You can have a certificate of commitment issued for your involvement in the VS and its committees – you can apply for it using the online form.
The WaKo (election committee) is looking forward to many candidacies and thanks for the early notification of resignations
Kommentarbereich geschlossen.