Informal short report from the 162nd StuRa meeting
— Deutsch —
» Elected was: No one. But there were many candidatures, so in the next session probably many people will be elected, but still people are wanted.
» We’re looking for: Candidates for the Universitätsrat (University Council) . The Universitätsrat accompanies the University and supervises the Rectorate. Soon the student seat will be available. The term is three years and you can find the call for candidates here. Also needed are people for the following Referate (offices): Referat für Internationale Studierende (office for International Students), Referat für Politische Bildung (office for Civic Education), and the Referat für Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit (office for Ecology and Sustainability). You can find more calls for candidacy here.
Also important:
» As always, there were many reports. Very many reports – finally, it was also the first session after the lecture break. You can read all the reports in the session documents.
»Amendments to the Satzungen (statutes) for the Fachschaften Anglistik, Computerlinguistik, Geographie, Politik and Theologie as well as an amendment to the Organisationssatzung (organizational statutes) were given a first reading. Among other things, this involved the implementation of a court ruling by the Verwaltungsgericht Karlsruhe (Karlsruhe Administrative Court) on the composition of the StuRa. We are therefore curious to see whether the 2/3 majority will be achieved next time.
» by amending the election regulations, gender equality in the StuRa should be further strengthened. As of the elections to the XIIth Legislature, lists with more than 60% of persons of one gender must submit a justification for this occupation to the Wahlauschuss (Election Commission). This justification is then published.
»In addition, further statutes and contracts, e.g. the one for the theater flat rate, went into first reading; the Geschäftsordung of the StuRa (StuRa rules of procedure) are also to undergo a technical improvement. Over the last few months, a number of not entirely correct regulations and minor gaps have been corrected.
»The debate about the cancellation of the Semesterticket contract is exciting: The introduction of the JugendticketBW and the nationwide 49€-Ticket has changed a lot in the field of public transport subscriptions for students. The transport department is of the opinion that the conditions offered by VRN for an extension of the semester ticket contract are not good and would therefore like to cancel it. Students could, of course, continue to take advantage of state and federal offerings after that, but the weekend and evening provisions could be eliminated.
»The lists in the StuRa can look forward to more financial support: The StuRa has decided that all lists represented in the StuRa will be given 150€ each for the summer semester for events open to the university. This should reduce the bureaucracy for such events, increase the visibility of VS in the student body, and contribute to more political education for students. If this semester’s test run is a success, a permanent budget item for this support could be established beginning in the winter semester.
» also, the StuRa approved funding for the VS series of events against sexualized violence in everyday university life. This will take place from the beginning of May and will include a wide range of topics, from psychological aspects to self-defense. All students are cordially invited! Registration is not required.
»At the end of the meeting, a number of substantive positions were quickly adopted. The StuRa unanimously supported the establishment of a queer center in the rooms of the Karlstorbahnhof. The StuRa also advocated for contextualization of potentially discriminatory content in urban cultural institutions.
We will continue on Tuesday, May 09, 2023 from 7 p.m., then with many motions in second reading.
The meeting documents and minutes of the StuRa can always be found here.
You can find the informal short report from the last StuRa meeting here.
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