Election Info No. 3 in WiSe 22/23
Dear all,
All good things come in threes: Welcome to the third and last Election Info with a review of the winter semester and an outlook on the summer semester: After the election is before the election!
- Members of the StuRa, the Fachschaftsrat (FSR) and the Fachräte in the summer semester 2023
- Calls for candidates for central offices in the VS
- StuRa, FSR, and Doctoral Convention elections from June 19 – 27:
- A competent start to the summer: take advantage of the committee training courses
- Fachrat and Senate elections June 20-26.
1. members of the StuRa, the FSR and the Fachräte in the summer semester 2023
The election results of the summer semester are no longer online – but you can find overviews of the current members of the StuRa, the Fachschaftsräte and the Fachräte. A page with further links can be found on the election results page:
2. calls for candidates for central offices in the VS
VS stands for Verfasste Studierendenschaft and includes the bodies of all levels of student representation: the student councils at the decentralized level and at the central level the units, the unit conference, the student council – and also other, less well-known offices and bodies such as commissions or committees; Such as the election committee.
Without elections, there are no committees, so the election committee is quite an important committee – and also an interesting one, because you gain a lot of insight into many different committees, structures and also subjects. Unfortunately, the Election Committee still has very few members – five. This means that five out of ten places are still vacant and, especially in view of the upcoming elections in the summer semester, it would be very good to have more members. Information about the election committee and other offices can be found in the office overview, calls for candidates in the calls for candidates.
3rd StuRa, FSR and Dokkonvent elections from June 19 – 27:
Elections for the Student Council (StuRa) and many Student Representative Councils (FSR) and the Doctoral Student Convention in the summer semester 2023 will take place online from June 19 – June 27. The candidacy deadlines are as follows:
- End of candidacy StuRa: Friday, May 26, 16:00
- FSR candidacy deadline: Monday, June 12, 16:00
Here you can find the election notice with further deadlines and regulations:
- StuRa Election Announcement
- Election notice FSR elections
- Info about the elections for the doctoral convention
Elections that could not take place during the winter semester will be made up in June – some urgent by-elections will take place as early as May 2-8.
If by-elections or new elections are necessary in your student council or student council due to resignations, please contact the election committee immediately.
4. competent and knowledgeable in the summer – through committee trainings
Whether you have been involved for a long time, have just been elected, are not elected or simply want to find out more: at the committee training sessions you can share your experiences, find out more and exchange ideas with other committed people. Perfect for those running for office, super for those interested, and fine for those who want to network with others! The following dates have already been set:
- TUESDAY: 04/18, 19:00 (StuRa lecture hall) – QSM
- THURSDAY, 04/27, 19:15 (StuRa Lecture Hall) – VS Finances.
- FREITAG, 28.04., 15:30 (ONLINE!) – Moderationsschulung
- THURSDAY, 04.05, 18:15 (ONLINE!) – IT for student activists
You can find the current overview with all dates in the overview, we recommend you to register, but this is – EXCEPTION: MODERATION TRAINING – not a must:
5. Faculty Council and Senate elections June 20-26.
Elections to university committees also take place during the summer semester. The faculty councils and the senate are elected. Candidacy deadlines are:
- End of Candidacy Faculty Council/Senate: Friday, May 19, 2023, 16:00.
You can find more information here:
You still have questions? you are interested in working in the election committee? email us or come to our meetings (hybrid, you can join as). You can find the dates on the election page, where you can find a lot of interesting information about elections:
The election team thanks you for your cooperation during the winter semester – and looks forward to good elections in the summer
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