Election Info No. 2 in winter semester 22/23
Dear all,
- First information was given in the Election Info No.1
welcome to the second election info in the winter semester. For the elections in January, the first preparations are already underway in many Fachschaften. If you still have questions or need more information, you can come to the info event on 8.12. . Info on this can be found below, and here is what you will find in this election info:
- Election info event Thursday, 8.12., 18:30
- Preparation for the January elections
- Notes on meetings (Sitzungen) and minutes (Protokolle)
- Calls for candidates for offices in the student union (VS: Verfasste Studierendenschaft)
1st election info event Thursday, 8.12., 18:30
For questions about elections, we are holding a small info session as part of the committee training (Gremienschulung) – on Thursday, Dec. 8. at 18:30 in the Neuer Hörsaal Physik (directly near the StuRa-Büro). It’s all about elections – so especially members of polling place committees (Wahlraumausschüsse) are welcome there. But even if you are just interested in the work of the Election Committee (Wahlaussschuss) or the polling place committees (Wahlraumausschuss), it is worth a visit.
Prior to this event, starting at 17:00, the come-together of Fachschaften and Referate (StuRa-Officers)will take place at the StuRa-Büro with cookies and Glühwein, so just come a bit early, network, and round off your visit with info on elections.
2. preparation of the elections in January
Thank you to all Fachschaften that have already registered for student council and/or student council elections. The first candidates have submitted their candidatures. From Friday, 9.12., on there are also calls for candidates (Kandidaturaufrufe) and election posters online. Please email us if you need printed posters.
- Election registration Fachschaftsrat, Fachrat
- Further information on registration/candidacy/polling room committee => Election-Info No.1
- Candidacies already received for Fachschaftsräte
- nominations already received for Fachräte
- Election posters (from 9.12. on)
3. notes on meetings and minutes (Sitzungen und Protokolle)
The Elections Committee and the Gremienteam (Office for Offices) have received a number of inquiries regarding the conduct of meetings, decision-making, and delegations to the StuRa. Here is some information about it.
A Fachschaftsrat (student council in a subject) meeting constitutes a quorum if it has been properly convened and half of the members are present. This is provided for in the StuRa’s rules of procedure (StuRa-Geschäftsordnung) , which, according to § 3 paragraph 5 of the organizational statutes (Organisationssatzung), also apply to the decision-making bodies of the Fachschaften, unless the quorum is explicitly regulated otherwise in the Fachschaft’s statutes (Fachschaftssatzung) or its own rules of procedure. Decisions are passed by a simple majority of those present. Some Fachschaften also provide for the decision to be deliberated twice in the case of large financial expenditures.
For the delegation of StuRa members (Entsendung), some Fachschaften also have their own regulations. Delegation means that the StuRa members can be determined in an open vote (with a show of hands). However, some Fachschaften explicitly provide for a secret ballot (election). In many Fachschaften, the Fachschaftsrat (FSR) must involve the Fachschaftsvollversammlung (FSVV); you can find out which ones at the end of the delegation form (Entsendungsformular).
You can find some structural data of Fachschaften in the constitution table (Konstitutionstabelle). You will also find information about special regulations for elections and the like. If you have any questions, please contact the Gremienreferat (Office for Offices).
- Notes on meetings (Sitzungen) and minutes (Protokolle)
- Constitution table (Konstitutionstabelle)
- Statutes and regulations of the VS (Satzungen und Ordnungen of the student union)
- Delegation form (Entsendungsformular)
- Page of the Office for Offices with further information for Fachschaften
4. calls for candidates for VS offices
We remind you that there are always calls for candidates for central offices such as offices or committees of the StuRa, further details were already in the election info No. 1.
- Calls for Candidates,
- Candidatures for StuRa offices (only accessible via university computer or VPN)
- Candidacy form for candidacies in the StuRa
- Explanation of the StuRa candidacy procedure
- Information on offices and committees can be found in the overview of offices.
In winter, we meet on Fridays (no meeting on 23.12, 30.12.) at 16:00 in the StuRa office – the meeting is hybrid, you can also join the meetings online in our online meeting room . Feel free to come and ask us questions or just sit down and get a taste of what we do! You can also reach us by e-mail: wahlen@stura.uni-heidelberg.de
Your Election team (AG Wahlen)
Kommentarbereich geschlossen.