StuRa Elections 2024 / Who is Who / University Groups
Have you been wondering who is running in this year’s StuRa Elections and what each university group stands for?
Here you’ll find some info on all the groups standing for election!
List 1: Fachschaftsinitiative Jura (FSI Jura)
The Fachschaftsinitiative (FSI) is a non-political list with the aim of representing all students equally, regardless of their field of study or political orientation. In this way, we contribute to independent and committed work in the StuRa. We also attach great importance to making everyday study life as unproblematic as possible for students at Heidelberg University, which our election goals reflect. We are calling for an examination of further use of the open and empty group rooms and lecture
halls by students. These rooms and halls would provide additional workspaces where you can work in groups since the few group rooms at the University Library are busy during the day and student accommodations such as shared apartments or one-room apartments are not suitable for
learning in larger groups, which at times is necessary for studying.
The spending of the student body’s money should become more transparent for all students and should be used to improve the interests and living conditions of students, which includes promoting student participation, improving study conditions through additional learning opportunities and equipment, supporting student initiatives and projects, organizing cultural and social events, and providing advice and support services. The transparent and rational use of funds strengthens the university community and contributes to successful and enriching studies.
We also demand earlier opening times for the university library as well as earlier and longer opening times for the branch in Neuenheimer Feld. The libraries should also be able to be used on public holidays.
You can find more information about us and our complete election program on Instagram @therealjuhei or our website
List 2: Liste Pro Neuenheimer Feld – für mehr Neuenheim, Feld und Fortschritt
Marsimoto once said "the autonomous zone begins in your head" – probably because he was
stoned, like far too many humanities scholars. We from the List Pro Neuenheimer Feld – for more Neuenheim, Feld and Progress demand that the autonomous zone begins at “Berliner Straße” and “Im Neuenheimer Feld”.
We stand up for those who prefer the dorm bars to Untere Straße, for those who think of Python when they hear “simpler language in teaching”; and for those who want high water levels on a regular basis and a beach bar by the pool in front of the Zentralmensa.
For too long you’ve had to struggle choosing parties according to their federal policy content.
That doesn’t have to be the case anymore! We are a list of students who study and live on the Feld and therefore we have also set ourselves the goal of achieving only the best for YOUR campus.
For more Neuenheim, Feld and Progress in the StuRa! Follow us on OnlyFeld
Liste 3: GHG – Grüne Hochschulgruppe Heidelberg
Wir sind die GHG, die Grüne Hochschulgruppe an der Universität Heidelberg. Uns sind vor allem Nachhaltigkeit und Inklusivität wichtig und das veruschen wir über die Hochschulpolitik auch an der Universität Heidelberg umzusetzen. Vor allem ist es uns wichtig, die Interessen der Studierendenschaft gut zu vertreten und uns für mehr Einflussmöglichkeiten der Studierenden in die Hochschulpolitik einzusetzen. Unsere Ziele reichen von einer sozialeren Universität mit mehr psychosozialem Beratungsangebot sowie dem Kostenerlass für alle verpflichtenden Veranstaltungen bis zu einem Nachhaltigkeitskonzept, das beispielsweise mehr Fahrradständer oder ein besseres Klimakonzept mit echt grünem Strom beinhaltet. Zudem unterstützt die GHG viele Förderungsmaßnahmen, die der fehlenden Representation von Minderheiten an der Universität entgegen wirken sollen. Auch die Internationalität der Universität liegt uns sehr am Herzen. Ein internationales Studium kann viele neue Möglichkeiten eröffnen und kulturellen Austausch ermöglichen, weshalb wir es wichtig finden, diese Möglichkeit für mehr Personen zugänglich zu machen. Dies würde unter anderem durch eine bessere Digitalisierung der Universität geschehen, was beispielsweise Vorlesungsaufzeichnungen und verpflichtend hochgeladene Skripte und Präsentationen auf Moodle bedeuten könnte, um diese bei Verständnisfragen immer nacharbeiten zu können. Das würde nicht nur internationalen Studierenden zu Gute kommen, sondern auch besonders Studierenden mit Kindern oder einem Job sowie Studierenden mit einer Hörbehinderung und insgesamt die Modernisierung der Universität fördern. Auch sollte die Kommunikation der Universität mit den Studierenden mindestens auch auf Englisch stattfinden, um alle Universitätsmitglieder in den Unialltag einzubinden.
List 4: ROSA HSG
As a university group, we stand for left-wing and progressive politics. Our goal is to enable and promote diverse societal discourses and simultaneously act as a critical voice that points out the struggles and systemic problems of university and student life.
We stand for …
… independent university politics.
… open, peaceful and appreciative cooperation.
… flat hierarchies.
… undogmatic behavior and a critical approach regarding ourselves and others.
… philanthropic policies – with the aim to especially represent the interests of
students who are part of a minority or marginalized groups.
… strong awareness structures.
… sustainability and climate-friendly policies.
We oppose …
… discrimination of any kind.
… imperialism and exploitation of any kind.
… the destruction of people's livelihoods out of greed for profit.
… conservative fraternities such as so-called “Burschenschaften” and others.
We see ourselves as a political university group that unites different socialist and anti-capitalist movements and acts within the university’s political framework according to the points listed above.
List 5: Uni – Digital, Social and Climate-Friendly
sustainable higher education landscape at the university. It brings together students from various departments who are committed to the digitalisation of teaching, social justice and climate protection. Our political commitment is based on the conviction that education and environmental awareness must go hand in hand in order to shape a sustainable society.
Digitalisation plays a central role in our agenda. We call for the widespread introduction of digital teaching methods that not only facilitate access to knowledge, but also increase the interactivity and flexibility of study programmes. We are committed to expanding the digital infrastructure and providing modern technical resources in order to provide all students with equal access. In the area of social justice, we are fighting for equal opportunities and inclusion. We demand measures to support disadvantaged students, such as scholarship programmes, an expansion of BAföG, mentoring and barrier-free study opportunities. A university where all people can feel safe and comfortable, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity. For awareness work at all institutes.
Climate protection is the third pillar of our commitment. We are committed to sustainable
practices on campus, such as reducing the university’s carbon footprint, expanding renewable
energies and promoting environmentally friendly mobility.
Through our demands, we position ourselves as a progressive force that wants to shape the
university in a future-oriented and sustainable way. Our constituted student body should act as a role model and inspire other student bodies around the world to take similar initiatives.

List 6: FSI X Humanities
We are a new list and represent the interests of all students of the humanities.
As an association of different students of the humanities,
we know about the concerns of our fellow students. We respond to
the individual experiences of humanities students and are convinced
that our needs must not be ignored.
We are particularly aware of the differences to the wishes of natural scientists and take them
seriously. We want to unite the two and thus advocate for both interests.
Be it the image, the individual challenges and problems, but also our
wishes. We want to bring these to the StuRa and stand up for you.
But even if you are not humanities students yourselves, we are still there for you.
For more old town flair, delicious canteen food, the library and campus!
We’re looking forward to your support.
List 7: The LISTE Heidelberg – Die PARTEI Hochschulgruppe
The LISTE Heidelberg is the oldest and most influential political student group in Heidelberg. We have been advocating for the topics and issues students are actually dealing with since 2013:
– local transportation by airship from Neuenheimer Feld to the old town. This way, students can travel as elitist as they should.
– We want to abolish HeiCO and establish HeiHORSE – a messenger via horse. This way, it’s
actually gonna work.
– We want to increase the fees for international students, so that we may lower the fees for
German students. We are proud of the fact that our government has already started embracing our ideas.
– We want politically neutral extreme leftist politics and non-ideological gender-madness

List 8: RCDS/LHG
DIGITAL – Fax is out!
• University-app with integrated LSF and an occupancy indicator for the library
• Mandatory uploads of lecture materials
• A digital archive of lectures
• Online exam management for all subjects
• More licences for specialised databases
SUSTAINABLE – Think global, act local!
• Climate neutrality by 2035
• Renewable electricity mix at uni
• More green spaces, including roofs on the INF campus
• CO2-Compensation
SOCIAL – Studies independent of parental income!
• Lower semester fees
• Better support for first time academics
• Shelter against Antisemitism and discrimination
MODERN – Better study conditions for all!
• Better mental health support
• Longer opening hours for the libraries (24/7)
• Water dispensers and mindfulness rooms in libraries and on campus
(The RCDS and LHG are an alliance of two political campus-groups that are fighting for
better study-conditions at YOUR university)
List 9: Young Socialists (Juso Hochschulgruppe)
As a university group, we stand for progressive politics inside and outside the university. We
represent the five pillars of our commitment: socialism, internationalism, queerfeminism, anti-racism and anti-fascism. We fight for a university where all people are fully equal and have the same opportunities, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, origin or socio-economic status. Furthermore, we are firmly opposed to any kind of discrimination and are committed to a culture of awareness and diversity.
A climate-friendly policy is essential for us in order to prevent the effects of climate change from becoming even greater. We want to make the university an institution where everyone can study, regardless of how much their parents earn. The university needs a social mix so that it does not become a purely elitist reproduction system. This is precisely why we supported the StuRa’s social departments in the past and want to expand them further. For the same reason, we want to abolish tuition fees for foreign students and reduce the barriers for studying for every student. Active participation in the student body is essential for us. We invite you not only to vote for us in the upcoming elections, but also to actively participate in our group. Together we are stronger!
Greetings of solidarity,
Your Young Socialists of Juso HSG
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