Plenary Assembly of Offices concerned with “Working Class Students“, “Disability and Health“, “Inter*, Trans*, Women and Non-binary“ (It’s FuN)
The Autonomous Offices (Autonome Referate) “Disability and Health“ and ”Inter*, Trans*, Women and Non-binary“ (It’s FuN) are currently vacant. The Autonomous Office ”Working Class Students“ is about to be newly founded. Autonomous Offices are assemblies of students affected by discrimination that stand up for the interests of said students at university.
We would therefore like to invite all affected students of Heidelberg University to the three first ever plenary meetings of these offices on the 30th of April at 6pm in the “Neuer Hörsaal Physik“ (the auditorium next to the StuRa office at Albert-Ueberle-Strasse 3-5).
- 1. Joint opening of all three assemblies & introduction
Here, members of the Election Commission and already existing Autonomous Offices give tips and provide information that might be useful to all three (new) Offices. - 2. Division into three assemblies, one for each Office.
These are moderated by members of existing Offices:- Working children: by a member of the Social Office
- Disability & Health: by the VS Disability Officer and a member of the Social Office
- IT’s FuN: by a member of the Queerreferat (Queer Department)
- 1. Joint opening of all three assemblies & introduction
This is where interested parties can talk about what the work of each Office could look like and who might like to get involved and how.
Come join us!
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