Saturday and Sunday: Student representatives from Stradiņš University Riga visit Heidelberg
From July 23 until July 24, Saturday and Sunday this week, 12 student representatives from Stradiņš University Riga will come to Heidelberg. They would like to meet with student activists of our university and also see something of the university and the city.
We are planning a “university/state/doctoral student day” on Saturday and a more touristy day on Sunday.
The delegation will arrive on Saturday around 11 am. So far, there is only a rather rough schedule:
We’ll show them some university buildings, like the university library and the Neue Uni (maybe also the Alte Aula), we will show them the Stura offices and will talk about student representation here and an in Latvia. We will treat them to a meal at the Marstall mensa and also tour pubs in the evening.
On Sunday, we’ll walk through the city again, but with a more touristy program (which doesn’t mean we can’t talk about student representation and other activism then, either)
We invite all interested students to join us: for an hour, an afternoon or two days – whatever suits you.
You’ll find a rough schedule at this point soon, but it basically works like this:
If you are interested, write to
– we will then invite you to a group where we will coordinate the visit and you will also find out live where we are currently moving through the city and where you can join us.
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